Who by Plague - Cover

Who by Plague

High Holy Day Sermons from COVID19 times

Rabbi Oren Z. Steinitz, PhD (Editor)

Rabbi Joshua Lesser (Forward)

The High Holy Days of 5781 were like no others. This collection features Days of Awe sermons by rabbis and spiritual leaders from all across the Jewish spectrum - from Orthodox to Humanistic - who were called to help their congregations process the reality of celebrating the New Year under the threat of COVID 19.

Including essays by: Rabbi Rachel Ain, Elliott batTzedek, Rabbi Adam Chalom, Rabbi Margaret Frisch Klein, Rabbi Lauren Grabelle Herrmann, Rabbi Lisa Gelber, Rabbi Maya Y. Glasser, Rabbi Dr. Elyse Goldstein, Rabbinical Student Steven Gotlib, Rabbi Daniel Greyber, Rabbi Michael Adam Latz, Rabbi Joshua Lesser, Rabbi Maura Linzer, Rabbi Dara Lithwick, Rabbi Yael Ridberg, Rabbi Adrienne Rubin, Rabbi Cantor Robbi Sherwin, Rabbi Dr. Oren Steinitz, Rabbi Debi Wechsler, Rabbi Raysh Weiss, Rabbi Rachel Zerin.

"What a great collection of essays! The authors talk about grief, hope, justice, and community, engaging Jewish spiritual resources. There's a real immediacy and honesty, as the authors speak to their own close communities, in the midst of a pandemic, at a most spiritually vulnerable time of the year.

I enjoyed this book both personally and professionally. Personally, it was a place to stop and contemplate all that happened in 2020 and also what lies ahead. Professionally, it's a great resource for High Holiday preparation—and for anyone called to speak about the past year in spiritual terms."

-Rabbi Dr. Laura Duhan-Kaplan

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